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Welcome To X-pert Auto Care Auto Repair Services
Where You Can ``Leave It To The X-perts``!Are you looking for a local auto repair shop that you can trust?
Consider X-pert Auto Care’s dedicated auto repair business.
We’ve been serving the community for many years. We offer competitive rates on auto service and install only quality parts backed by a nationwide warranty.
Whether your vehicle needs a minor tune-up or a major overhaul, our skilled technicians will quickly diagnose and provide solutions to your vehicle’s problems, saving you valuable time and money.
You won’t find a service like ours anywhere else. Come on in and see for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.
We hold our shop to high standards. This includes every aspect of business — employees, repairs, and even the way the employees interact with the customers.
Our mission is to deliver friendly, honest, top-quality service in a timely fashion. Your complete satisfaction and willingness to recommend us to others is our goal.
Don’t hesitate to stop by or call us at (678) 698-0604 or you can also view our exclusive featured services and pricing deals!
Our Inspiration And Founder's Story
X-pert Auto Care was founded by Raul Rosales Sr. who was born and raised in La Ceiba, Honduras. As a father of 2 kids, Raul was an honest, caring, and great father to his kids and more. Raul always wanted the best future for his kids and his family. He worked hard to be able to put food on the table and a roof over his family’s head.
Raul Sr. always dreamed of having his own personal auto repair shop. Back in Honduras, Raul owned a shop called E.F.I Auto. Like any loving father, he wanted nothing but the absolute best for his children and their future. To this end, Raul Rosales Sr. traveled to New York and worked hard to ultimately save enough money allowing him to fulfill a promise to ultimately be able to bring his kids to the United States of America.
Well, that promise came true when he flew his family to the U.S. in 2002. Next, Raul continued to work on his other dream of owning an auto repair shop of his very own but in the meantime, he continued work on cars as a very successful mobile mechanic long before it became popular as it is today – a true pioneer indeed!
In 2014, X-pert Auto Care was established. We are proud of our history and to this day X-pert Auto Care is doing GREAT and it keeps on rolling. Raul’s children run the business and are firmly keeping Raul Sr.’s vision alive and well. It is with great respect, and admiration that the family, children, and X-pert Auto Care team couldn’t be happier with the love, knowledge, values, and business Raul Sr. taught them.
Raul Sr.’s legacy continues to serve us all – it’s a GIFT.
-Maria Rosales & Raul Rosales Jr.
In Loving Memory Raul A. Rosales
July 1, 1968 – July 14, 2016

Asked Questions
Yes, without good seals, this can cause more leakage and oil burn-off, which is very routine with older cars. If your vehicle is a high-mileage and high-performance, it is recommended that one choose synthetic oil.
Of course, there is not a need for every car to use synthetic or high mileage oil.
To help one choose which type of oil is best for your car, check the manufacturer’s specifications, your owner’s manual, call or come by to ask one our friendly technicians.
Please remember, routinely checking and changing your car’s oil is essential to keeping its engine in running condition. Check your oil each month and change it as directed in the car’s owner’s manual.
Kindly stop by or call s at (678) 698-0604 for a fast, oil change and let’s get you back on the road.
Some of those parts of your automobile need to be checked often, and others are best in the end.
Taking care of your automobile and maintaining it in the right running order takes some effort, but you really do not need to be a vehicle repair genius to do a great job – although a great and talented car repair team will be your best support team in this critical task.
The most ardent hurdle is of course awareness of what actually requires attention and how often.
This is where a vehicle maintenance record serves as an invaluable aid.
Any quick search online can help you find some great phone apps to keep you organized and/or you can just use the vehicle’s scheduled maintenance booklets provided by the manufacturers (typically found in your glove compartment).
Here are some items to get you started thus ensuring your car is always in tip-top running order:
1. Oil and oil filter – Typically changed every 3,000 to 10,000 miles depending on the vehicle.
2. Windshield wipers – Do check your windshield wipers often for any cuts, cracks, or tears. Replace as such.
3. Tires – Inspect very regularly and be on the lookout for uneven wear and tear. Replace tires after damaged and/or if the tread depth is very low.
4. Air filter – Replace when worn, dirty, or every 15,000 to 30,000 miles or so.
5. Fuel filter – Change out every 30,000 miles or sooner.
6. Battery – Maximum battery life is usually 4 – 5 years, but this drops faster if exposed to temperature extremes.
7. Brake part including pads, shoes & rotors – A nice pair may indeed last up to 50,000 miles but a full brake inspection should be completed very frequently.
8. Brake fluid – Bleed the system and add new brake fluid every 20,000 to 45,000 miles, or according to your vehicle’s manual.
9. Engine Coolant – change out fluid and conduct a coolant system flush every 60,000 miles.
10. Transmission fluid – Good fluid has a pink color while bad maintains a dark red or brown color. Do check the color often and replace it as such.
11. Hoses – Take a look at the hoses often and replace them as such if cracked and worn.
12. Power steering fluid – Flush the power steering system and replace the fluid every 75,000 miles or if the steering gets rough or stiff.
13. Spark plugs – High-quality spark plugs should last up to 90,000 miles but the cheaper types might only perform until 30,000 miles. Check and replace as such.
14. Timing belt – You must be aware of this as if the belt fails while you’re driving, it could leave you stranded on the roadside. You can stop this by replacing it at 75,000 to 90,000 miles or sooner.
15. Exterior lights – We all need lights to see right, so be sure your visibility is always high and provides a clear road. You must change a blown bulb as soon you can.
Hope this quick note helps and when you ever need a fast, honest and transparent estimate on any of the above services, do not hesitate to call us at (678) 698-0604 or just stop by.
The check engine light system is part of the OBD2 warning system in your car, when that light comes on as you drive, the onboard computer is alerting you that there is indeed a problem in the car.
If the check engine light flashes on and off while you’re driving, well that means there is a very serious issue and you must have a professional diagnose the issue right away.
Now, the number of issues that can cause the light to come can vary from an issue as minor as your gas cap is loose or, it could be something major and expensive like requiring a new catalytic converter.
If the light comes on while driving, this means the onboard computer
is actually running a series of tests on your vehicle’s various systems – this could be an infinite number of tests over and over again.
Now after a clearing of many tests, the onboard computer could then leave the light on, indicating there are indeed some issues to be looked at by a technician.
If you’re curious about what’s going on, you get a scanner and have it
scanned, because the historical codes do not get deleted for some time.
You can also just bring it by our shop and we’ll scan the system and get you the information to make an informed car repair decision. Give us a call at (678) 698-0604 or stop by today.